Australia Day!

I’ll keep this one short and sweet, as there have been far too many mammoth posts as of late! Really all this post will serve to do is allow you a bit of insight into the backpackers’ version of Australia Day in the clouds and rain!

Australia Day is the day Australians treat as their national day, which I think is lovely. We don’t have a national day in the UK, but after celebrating all things Australian I think I’d like an annual day to take pride in my country. However, Australia Day does happen to fall upon the day the land was ‘taken’ from the Aboriginals and so it’s a tiny bit awkward that everyone seems to celebrate such an event, as Adam Hills pointed out early on in the day…


However, after doing our own bits of research (aka. we asked everyone else in the hostel) it really just sounded like a national holiday that everyone uses as an excuse to get a little bit merry and have a good time! And so that is exactly what we did…



At some point in the afternoon one of the girls just so happened to notice that our Australian flags were the perfect size to take some cheeky photos with…so we did! šŸ˜›



And then Elliot decide to get involved…


Then much later on in the evening – after a solid few hours of drinking – we made our way down to the beach to watch the fireworks where another opportunity just happened to present itself…


This one I blame entirely upon the excitement of the day, being something of a lightweight and my friend Phoebe, who has a whole collection of cheeky topless photos from travels! It would have been an opportunity wasted to just let Phoebe indulge in such photos, and there was no one around so why not?! However now I have my first I feel like it’s something I might try to do more of should I get the chance! šŸ˜›

Australia Day: Thank you! You were wonderful! Let’s do it again next year!

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